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Bleomycin A5 hydrochloride

Bleomycin A5 hydrochloride is a compound part of the glycopeptide antibiotic family. It is currently used in oncology research for its strong stimulatory and inhibitory effects. Bleomycin A5 greatly reduces telomerase activity, hindering the proliferation of malignant...

CYB5B Rabbit pAb

OverviewProduct nameCYB5B Rabbit pAbCatalog No.A15900Host speciesRabbitPurification methodAffinity purificationIsotypeIgGBackgroundEnables heme binding activity. Contributes to nitrite reductase (NO-forming) activity. Involved in nitric oxide biosynthetic process....


Bioluminescence   Bioluminescence has proven an elemental tool in biological research. Scientists have harnessed the power of a naturally-occurring bioluminescent reaction into reporter assays where a luciferase enzyme produces light upon the addition of a...